Monday, July 16, 2012

HA! Public Relations Isn't a Joke

People like to make fun of public relations. They use words like “spin doctor” and other labels, so that's probably why an article makes light of the profession by listing some public relations humor that isn't necessarily all funny, but hey, comedy is in the eye of the beholder, right? Here's one:

                Q. What’s the difference between a squirrel and a rat?

                A. PR.

All right, you might not be falling off your chair laughing, but at least they tried. There are 10 jokes there, plus the ones in the comments section, so I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.

Actually, even though the article is about fun, I can offer some serious advice: the most valuable asset of a professional or business is their reputation. So reputation management through public relations really is *not* a joke, and it's something you should think about now that the year is halfway over.

If you've been having trouble with your own publicity plan, consider setting some goals such as writing an article twice a month, doing a blog post once a month (which is what I do), or even posting pictures on your social networks once a week. Start small and then create a larger plan. There are things that you can do yourself, but if you've been too busy working and don't have the time to develop your public relations strategy, then get outside help. You'll find that doing even small projects will make you feel like you're making progress while you're connecting with the world. And remember to have fun!

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