Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Immature or Savvy Legal Marketing?

A lot of men have bald or thinning hair, some have a potbelly, and others aren't thrilled about getting older. You can make money from that! Or at least from being bald. No, this isn't a sales pitch to grow your hair, but a way a lawyer is pitching himself to get new clients in his ads for

I read about it at the Legal Watch blog where they pointed out other examples of ways that lawyers stand out from the competition with garish or racy images. It's a great way to create buzz because it's controversial, but is it really appropriate for a professional? When promoting your firm, you should consider what kind of image you want people to walk away with. If you want to be smart, it's best to avoid such tactics.  

In some ways, doing whatever it takes to get more clients than other lawyers seems sophomoric and immature. I'm sure those attorneys who have billboards with half-dressed women to promote the benefits of divorce aren't lacking in clients and have made decent money from selling their merchandise, but what about their reputation? You don't have to cheapen yourself to make a good living. In the long run, behaving like a professional is better than making a flashy splash and being remembered for being silly.  

So it's something to think about: do you want to make lots of money at any cost, or do you want people to respect you by promoting your firm in a professional way? I'd take the latter.


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