Thursday, July 8, 2010

God Bless the Atheists

It's great being in a big city where you get a mix of religious activists and anti-religion advocates. A few weeks back, the Chicago Tribune ran a story with the headline: Atheists ads get OK in Chicago which reported on the Indiana Atheists Bus Campaign that was blowing into the Windy City.

This group has some playful messages like "In the beginning, man created God" and "You can be good without God." I've even seen messages encouraging people to honor God's day of rest by sleeping in on Sundays.  And when you look at the atheist organization's website you'll see plenty of media coverage on their campaigns, including one in Time Magazine from May 28, 2009.

It's interesting to note that at least with these messages, the value of their messages is playing against whose name? God's. Without God, these atheists messages would not exist. Reminds me of the story where scientists told God they had found a way to take dirt and create life. God said that He'd like to see that, but the scientists would need to first create their own dirt.

This is a battle that's sure to continue to get media attention, bu the irony of it reminds me when the psychic network went bankrupt a few years back. I guess they were unable to predict winning lottery tickets to help finance their operation.

By the way, the atheists' website is asking for donations. As a legitimate non-profit, they have every right to collection tax-deductible contributions. Actually, I think God can help them with their request to raise donations. See what He says about bringing in tithes and offerings in Malachi 3 verse 8. The atheists seem to be relying on Him for everything else.

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